Wednesday, July 22, 2009

But How Did This Happen?

well, when a boy and a girl love each other very much....

i wasn't always positive that i wanted kids. we went back and forth on the subject for many years. at one point in my early 20's i was convinced that globe trotting and a fat savings account were more important and mutually exclusive to progeny. and the robb went with me on this. more or less. and we did trot around the globe a bit and took advantage of sleeping in saturday mornings and running around Dtroit without a care in the world.

and we liked that. we did. we do. but gradually the idea of breeding started to have some appeal. and then last october on our romantic anniversary weekend up north, we sat and talked for a long time on a bench on the little traverse bay in petoskey and decided it was time. i'd finished school, we'd been married succesfully then for 6 yrs and were pretty sure it was going to "take." we didn't want to wait to age much more and we were then certain that we did, in fact, want to add to our little family. we just had a whole lot more love to give.

so we finally got around to 'pulling our goalie' in january. i hated and loathed being on 'free range hormones' off the pill, but persisted. i am extremely impatient and expected, nay demanded, that this happen immediately! right now! what's the wait! well, clearly, biology doesn't care what i think. i anxiously took about dozen prego tests a month just in case i'd missed something...? looking for that blasted 2nd blue line. i got frustrated enough that around june i declared to robb that if i weren't pregnant by the following january, i was going out and buying a convertible and a horse.

so i got a text from a friend on july 1st saying she'd had a dream that i was pregnant. she's a bit of a soothsayer, so i took a test on july 3rd. robb and i were both home from work for the holiday when the second little blue line popped up on the pee stick. i took another. and another the next day. just got darker and darker. and the symptoms started (see later post).

so that was 3 weeks ago. we're still tentatively excited, but it does seem that at least for now, things are happening! tra-la! when we told our families our good news (waaaaay too early if you're cautious and reasonable), they were all thrilled. it seems real now. really wild.

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