went to the dedication (again, like baptism, but in our church babies get dedicated and adults choose to be baptized) of our good friends' little girl. she is almost a year old and is perfect and wonderful and miraculous and awesome.
i teared up in church for the blessings we've all experienced this past year. this time last year these friends were torn up, hurting after an adoption fell through in a most traumatic way. they were unsure if they would ever have the joy of being parents or heal from the hurt they had suffered. last year this time i was pregnant, but it was new and i'd been there before with no baby to show for it. Christmas was quiet, waiting, watchful, still mourning.
but this year!!!! their little girl arrived on the scene just several days after Christmas last year and we've now had henry monkey butt for almost 6 whole months. we have several other friends who also had experienced losses and fertility struggles in the past who now, thankfully, are parents or well on their way to being parents. wow. what a beautiful, blessed year this has been! i just want to tell everyone about how incredible God has been to us. and to give courage and hope to those who are still waiting patiently (or not so patiently) for their own answers. i pray that this next year is their year.
i thought of this little poem/song thing earlier today. for some reason, i always personify God's hands. it's a powerful image in my head.
God's Hands
when i was desperate and ashamed, afraid and empty
i clung onto His hands to keep me on my feet
when i was so angry at what i had lost
what i thought He had stolen
His hands held my shoulders while mine beat His chest
when i finally found some peace in His time, His will, His way
i held His hand and wept while driving alone in my car
and when we tried yet again and started a new life,
i imagined His powerful hands holding my womb
keeping its contents safe and whole
and His hands protected and then guided this flawless critter
into the world
and now as i dance and rock with my amazing! perfect! joyous! baby boy
i feel His hands and arms wrapped around us both, celebrating with us,
keeping us close in His warmth and love.
thank you, God.
Thx for posting that :)