weight= 19lbs 2 oz (80th%)
height= 27 1/2" (90th%)
head= 17 1/4" (50th%)
so chunkin munkin is doing great all around. we discussed encouraging solid food intake and sleeping through the night better. he's healthy and happy. has a little thrush in his mouth we're having to treat. we're backing off his zantac now that his reflux is improving as he's developed a stronger sphincter to keep the acid out. he has a snuffly nose, so i'm waiting on his vaccines just briefly until he's a wee little less snotty.
doc is happy with how he is doing. :)
We tried backing Evie off the Prevacid she's been on since she was 4 weeks old. We figured since she's older and has been eating some solids for a while she might not need it anymore--wishful thinking on our part! She was fussy, cranky, backed up, and slept poorly--were those things related to being off the Prevacid? We don't know for sure, but she's back on it again (and is much happier).