i passed my 3 hr glucose tolerance test!! meaning that i do NOT have gestational diabetes and do NOT have to start taking insulin. so that's a big relief.
it also means i can go back to eating girl scout cookies for breakfast, right?
no, ma'am. i am trying to be good. i'd like to keep my continued weight gain to a happy minimal if i might. meaning i'd like to start walking more and being more active in general now that it's sunny and warm-ish outside and i am less inclined to slip and fall.
plus. i'm trying to convince myself that healthy, natural fruits and veggies are enough to quench my sweet cravings. i say things like, "self, you know baby would prefer an orange right now to breaking into that unopened frozen box of somoas." which we ALL know is a total lie, since baby starts happy dancing at the mirror mention of chocolate and could give two hoots about citrus.
but we shall try. :)
i've started registering this week (eck) and doing research on all products big and small that might help or maim by child. there is a huge world of baby products out there. i'm trying really hard not to get sucked into the vortex, but ooh, doggy, it's a strong force. someone hold the rope tied to my ankle, k?