Monday, March 14, 2011

Thankful for Adversity, Thankful for Fat Cheeks

i got to spend all of yesterday cuddling on babies. the first, an almost 3 month old tiny female blessing with now frequent smiles lighting up the room and little round cheeks you just can't not touch. and then a 2 1/2 year old with even ROUNDER and more fluffy cheeks poking out around his menacing little smile. and it really is menacing. that's the difference between these two cherubic faces. she's still fresh and tiny and innocent and sweet, he, on the other hand is a 2 year old and therefore, the smile he gives you usually immediately precedes a flat out refusal to put on pants or a launch through the air off the couch and onto the cat. endearing and hilarious when you're not the parent, angsty and frustrating when you are.

but i digress. i just wanted to brag about the awesome kids i got to hang out with yesterday.

we're not there yet. back to the subject at hand. today i am feeling THANKFUL for the losses and fertility struggles because i can proudly say that i am one easy going pregnant chick (most of the time). i don't whine much, i don't complain about the (inevitable and normal) aches and pains and weight changes that come with being pregnant. i don't flip out about every little twinge and change. i know i can endure, have endured.

and, for the most part, i have really been enjoying it. i might eat these words, as i understand that i am in the glowy, easy part of pregnancy right now...but i think i'm managing alright.

and i am really excited to meet for keeps my own little chubby cheeked bebe extraordinaire. so curious about look and temperament. so excited to have this little mirage sitting on my lap.


  1. Wish I could pat the baby hump! We can't wait to see that baby, too. Come on June!

  2. I'm sure our little cherub will have her devious smile down just in time to teach yours how to be mischevious!!! :)
