mr. man was dedicated today, which is our church's version of baptism (baptism is for adults when they can decide for their ownselves that they want to commit their life to God. a dedication is parents committing to God and the church that they'll raise the kid up knowing God).
the ceremony included a message from the pastor, us reading a letter to henry about our wishes for him and then all of our family and friends came around and prayed over him. it was awesome! and then we had brunch here at the house. henry was wonderful all day. he handled the chaos and attention just beautifully.
anyway...here is a copy of the letter that we wrote and read to him in front of the church.

henry monkey,
we love you. we've loved you for a long time. and we waited to meet you for a long time. we had losses and struggles that were very hard, but we survived them with the hope that we would one day know you and hold you safely in our arms. and now we get to!
we're so grateful God put you in our lives and in our home. we still can't really believe we get to keep you! what an incredible blessing you are to your mom and dad and grandmas and grandpas, great-grandparents, aunts and uncles, godparents and many more. you have about a million people who love you already and, you will learn over time, they are really good at it.
you are just a few months old but already you've shown yourself to be a fun and sweet guy fascinated by the world. we are so excited to help you explore it and to figure out your place in it. you are strong and healthy and happy, chatty and funny. and we are impressed by your unusually deep voice for a baby.
we don't know who you'll grow up to be but we pray that you will always know that you are loved. and that you know the confidence, strength and peace of God walking by your side.
we will do our best to teach you to be a kind, loving, smart, and graceful person and to not mess you up good. no promises.
we thank God every day for your health, your smile and that belly laugh that sort of sounds like ET. we welcome you with open arms into God's family.
you were worth the wait.
mom and dad
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