early infancy is definitely a mother's game. she carries and births the baby. she gets the time off with the baby. she has the breast milk to feed the baby. she has earned her relationship with the baby. but one thing i picked from reading "the happiest baby on the block," is that while the desire to soothe the baby is instinctive, the knowledge of how to do this is not. while the mother has earned her role, she is not a magical being who holds the secrets of the baby. so i read the books and learned the techniques, too, and with the same passion and energy that apply to anything else i'm really excited about doing. very quickly i got very good at taking care of the baby to the extent that i could.
the reason for all of this, though, is because i want to do it. i desperately want to be as useful to my son as sarah is, within practical limits. i want to have the time with him. i want to see him smile, hear him laugh, and have the incredible satisfaction of providing for his needs. i have learned that people most love the things that need them the most. and my love for my son has grown with the scope of my care for him. no wonder so many men feel alienated from their infants when they are unable or unwilling (or disallowed) to care for them.
being a good dad also helps with those in-laws who might still be on the fence about me. :)
Give that baby ice-cream!! I know you're an awesome Dad, robb. It's true, parenting is hard on both parents and it doesn't do anyone any good to start comparing who is suffering more. A well written post, my friend. :)