monkey (accompanied by monkey mouth), cow outfit that all kids need, homemade blankie from aunt,
hark! a vagrant's fat pony family ensemble, more excellent toys, cool picture pillow from other aunt,
handcrafted kid's stool/chair from grandpa Z, beautiful cake from brilliant pastry chef (with woodworker in background)
grover bag full of awesome books, movies and more and more of cake and cake topper- how cool is that?
....shower was totally fun and i don't know what i was worried about. i didn't feel too completely on the spot and we didn't get bombarded with weird advice or criticized for our child rearing decisions or any of it. it was just wonderful and fun, full of people who love us and want nothing but the best for us. and robb was a trouper. also our dads and some other sundry male folks playing bar tenders and chauffeurs and such. i thought it was nice to have a 'mixed crowd.'
and you should see the pile of LOOT! holy cow. this baby is spoiled already!
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