Monday, August 16, 2010

One Thing at a Time, One Day at a Time

i'm really trying to get through one chaotic chapter of my life at a time right now. and i'm attempting not to put too much pressure on myself about "the little things" that don't involve said chapter.

it was a year ago this week that the zombie tried to kill me and ate my baby. and in a recent post i bemoaned all the sh#t that has happened in the 12 months following. can one assume that a year like that will be followed by a great year? maybe so. did job assume the same thing? (melodramatic sigh inserted here).

we're off to a hopeful start. robb had an abdominoplasty last week (following a gradual 80lb weight loss over the past 8 yrs and keeping it off for several years now by being an athletic beast) and KNOCK ON A FOREST FULL OF WOOD, things are going swimmingly so far. his pain is minimal, he's eating and voiding, he's ambulating often and looks phenomenal. all around, top notch recovery. and i will admit that i was nervous about this. a lot. but maybe things are looking up.

and so now other than one grandpa with a new lung cancer diagnosis and some pending treatment for that, things seem to be more calm. dad's election is done, robb's surgery is done, major bummer landmark dates are passed...

time to refocus on baby making. this will be my new project for a while. and i'm not sweating the extra lbs i'm carrying these days (much) as i back off of intensive training for races and i'm not getting too antsy to make a big life change (get another dog/ renovate the house/ change jobs/ move, etc) because i am optimistic that one big baby change will befall us soon enough.

so there. i am mentally healthy and relaxed and zen about it. totally. yep. indeed. i haven't cried in...well, ok, less than 48 hrs. but still! cut me a break! i am totally healthy and relaxed and zen about it TODAY. isn't that good enough? :)

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