the one-act play i was in is done. it went fine. it's done. did i already say that? it was good to be on stage again, but hobbies are for other people for now, i think. what else? our side businesses are growing slowly and that's exciting and a bit nerve-wracking. i continue to LOVE my job. just threw a mean bachelorette party for my sister. it was a 'how i met your mother' themed party and it was legen- wait for it-
the pediatrician at her well-visit said she's 'advanced.' of course, she was referring to the fact that she already throws a pretty decent temper tantrum, and at such a tender young age, too. neat. :)
she's chatty and stubborn and goofy and brave and we just like her more and more every day.
henry has recently sort of left the stubborn, mad phase and is now pretty reasonable and cooperative. whenever he says "SURE. I CAN DO THAT" instead of arguing with me, i have to kind of take a beat and realize what's happening and change tactics..."well, ok, then. super. let's, that then....(wuuuut!)"
we actually took him out on a henry/daddy/mommy date the other night because he's been such a decent and upstanding citizen lately. we went to sushi, the MAGICAL CANDY SHOP and mini golf. it was a great night all around. he was really sweet and kept wanting to include anna in it when we were making plans, but in the end i think he dug the one-on-two time. his attention was preserved for the first half of the put-put course, which was pretty good (and about the same as mine. 18 holes!? what the what??).
next week they're both to be in a wedding. it's my sister's wedding and it's kind of a big deal. i have to look fancy and robb has to somehow keep the kids wrangled while i'm looking fancy so that they ALSO look fancy and not like blubbering hysterical messes in dress clothes (or out of dress clothes. dress clothes piled around them on the floor.....naked giggling tiny streakers running through the church is one of my well-founded fears). we'll see. my sister is a chill bride and keeps promising she doesn't care what happens with the kids as long as they're there and involved. so....we'll....see.
what else? oh yeah.....maybe my most exciting news that you CANNOT tell my children. you have to promise. pinky swear. i mean it.....our families have agreed against all sound judgement to watch the kids for a loooooong weekend this fall. it's our anniversary and robb and i are going to orlando (in florida!) for a medical conference for me and some kid-less time at the parks!!!!! i cannot even calculate how awesome this is going to be, but also i feel tremendous guilt. the dates are marked in my calendar as "bad parent vacation."
i'll work on getting over it.
-dary. legendary.