spoke too soon. SNOT FREE FOR ___0___ DAYS.
....it's almost summer, it's almost summer, it's almost summer......
anyway. newest development: angry, red-faced baby lunging his entire body toward me, screaming bloody murder until he gets to me. then clinging for dear life when he does.
it was flattering for about 5 seconds. now it's mostly sad and stressful. and it's making robb feel like mud.
it's really only when henry's already upset that he really wants me and only me. hungry, tired, in pain. then it's MAMAMAMAMAMA. when he's otherwise content, he'll happily and lovingly play with dadadadada.
it's making me late for work a lot. :)
ok, to be totally honest...there is something really precious about being the one who is able to stop those little tears. even if it's mostly just because i smell like milk.
but i'm wondering how much to succumb to it. and how long it will last.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
The World Only Gets More Funner at Higher Speeds
sorry i've been such a negligent blogger as of late. we've been BUSY up in heya. the usual stuff- work, home stuff, exercising, family gatherings, blah, blah, blah.
and henry has a very active life these days. hugely busy agenda. between picking up every piece of dirt that fell off our shoes and putting them in his mouth, and pulling himself up on furniture and then falling and bonking his head, he just doesn't have a spare moment! when he does find the time, his hobbies include hiding lentils in the couch and tormenting the dog.
but, truly, he's doing awesome. crawling everywhere, standing (not without holding onto something/someone), babbling, playing with toys and eating! he's now added some proteins to his long list of fruits and veggies that he *enjoys*...lentils, black beans, coconut milk yogurt, hemp protein, and quinoa. so far so good. we're giving it a few days between each new addition to make sure he can tolerate it. there are some things he makes a dramatic display of not liking, but no signs of allergies so far.
i think daycare thinks we're insane (see list of foods we send him with, above).
he's been cough and snot free for over a week! we should get one of those signs like they have in industrial places for days without injuries. SNOT FREE FOR ____ DAYS.
he's also sleeping better. he goes down at about 7:30 now and sleeps until 6:30 or 7 only waking up to eat once around 3 or 4. i'm ok with that. it's working for us. and he's napping maybe a little better. totaling 90 mins or so between 2 naps. kid just doesn't like to sleep that much. and he's cheery throughout, so seems it's not hurting him.
oh, and he's really discovered where the milk comes from. not only is he screeching for me now (think howler monkey just stepped on a tack while tea kettle is going off), but in church today he actually pulled the front of my sweater out and plunged his whole head in.
the goal is to nurse until 1 year. but if he's going to be a wily little rude monkey, we might need to renegotiate the terms. :)
we're getting him outside a lot in this kooky warm march weather. dirty feet and all! so fun. and we recently got him on the swings at the park for the first time. he gets beside himself with glee. so awesome. see below.
and henry has a very active life these days. hugely busy agenda. between picking up every piece of dirt that fell off our shoes and putting them in his mouth, and pulling himself up on furniture and then falling and bonking his head, he just doesn't have a spare moment! when he does find the time, his hobbies include hiding lentils in the couch and tormenting the dog.
but, truly, he's doing awesome. crawling everywhere, standing (not without holding onto something/someone), babbling, playing with toys and eating! he's now added some proteins to his long list of fruits and veggies that he *enjoys*...lentils, black beans, coconut milk yogurt, hemp protein, and quinoa. so far so good. we're giving it a few days between each new addition to make sure he can tolerate it. there are some things he makes a dramatic display of not liking, but no signs of allergies so far.
i think daycare thinks we're insane (see list of foods we send him with, above).
he's been cough and snot free for over a week! we should get one of those signs like they have in industrial places for days without injuries. SNOT FREE FOR ____ DAYS.
he's also sleeping better. he goes down at about 7:30 now and sleeps until 6:30 or 7 only waking up to eat once around 3 or 4. i'm ok with that. it's working for us. and he's napping maybe a little better. totaling 90 mins or so between 2 naps. kid just doesn't like to sleep that much. and he's cheery throughout, so seems it's not hurting him.
oh, and he's really discovered where the milk comes from. not only is he screeching for me now (think howler monkey just stepped on a tack while tea kettle is going off), but in church today he actually pulled the front of my sweater out and plunged his whole head in.
the goal is to nurse until 1 year. but if he's going to be a wily little rude monkey, we might need to renegotiate the terms. :)
we're getting him outside a lot in this kooky warm march weather. dirty feet and all! so fun. and we recently got him on the swings at the park for the first time. he gets beside himself with glee. so awesome. see below.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Nine Months On, Nine Months Off!!
well, the weight was a lot more fun to put on (hello, costco cake, i miss you! bff's for life!) than it was to take off, but off it is. between managing my intake on myfitnesspal and running regularly, plus still breast feeding, i'm finally shedding it.
i have officially lost all 62 lbs that i gained. and in the last few weeks it's really shown. i feel tiny all of a sudden. i keep petting my belly and trying on my old jeans and dancing a lot when they fit. people are noticing. (the thinness, i meant. but i'm sure they're noticing the dancing, too). it's all very exciting and flattering.
i still have 7-10 to lose until i'm where i want to be, but i feel like i'm on the right track.
remember when my sister did a mold of my belly? it was 6/6/11 and it looked like this, with henry monkey still inside:

well, here's the mold today 3/24/12 :

and here's henry monkey on the outside:

and here's me dancing about it.
i have officially lost all 62 lbs that i gained. and in the last few weeks it's really shown. i feel tiny all of a sudden. i keep petting my belly and trying on my old jeans and dancing a lot when they fit. people are noticing. (the thinness, i meant. but i'm sure they're noticing the dancing, too). it's all very exciting and flattering.
i still have 7-10 to lose until i'm where i want to be, but i feel like i'm on the right track.
remember when my sister did a mold of my belly? it was 6/6/11 and it looked like this, with henry monkey still inside:
well, here's the mold today 3/24/12 :

and here's henry monkey on the outside:

and here's me dancing about it.

Sunday, March 11, 2012
If You Loved Me, You'd Clean the Toilet
disclaimer: i have a wonderful husband, whom i adore. he is loving and giving and works hard. and now i'm going to bitch about him for a while.
originally, this post was going to be called "if i were a boy" and be all about how nice it must be to be a dude instead of a lady because there are so many fewer demands on men and they get to still enjoy things like hobbies and television even after babies are hatched while the women are slaving constantly for the good of the family.
it was all very whoa is me.
and i was all geared up to reference international women's day and how, even though we think we're progressive and modern in our current american gender relations, the reality is that women are still supposed to bake the bread, just now they have to win it, too. (that didn't really work- i mean we're now bread winners. you got that, right? maybe i should have used the term 'bring home the bacon' instead? women are supposed to bring it home AND make it into a tasty sammich?).
i was feeling all sorry for myself and hopeless to ever change this. having visions of Thanksgivings future of me working all night on call the night before and then coming home and cleaning the house, cooking the meal and cleaning up afterwards while my male spouse and my male child watch football with their feet up.
while i'm still concerned that this is a potential reality and represents a cycle we need to break, i feel a lot more peace about it today. robb and i talked at length about my concerns last night. he did a good job of just letting me vent and we came to some resolutions on better sharing the home responsibilities and dividing the labor.
i know that in most couples, each partner feels like he/she does the bulk of the work. i think it's just normal to feel put-upon once in a while. but i feel better about getting it off my chest and trying to work with him instead of secretly loathing him and planning his death (poison. buried in the backyard in hole already dug by our dog).
and i'm sure he feels better about it, too. :)
and as far as romance and marital harmony and good good lovin' goes, i've heard that 'foreplay starts first thing in the morning.' and i couldn't agree more. as in, don't just tend to your own needs all day while i'm busting around getting stuff done and then expect me to be in any shape to want to grant you any attention at bedtime. i am more relaxed and at ease and amorous if i don't have 30 to-do list items nagging at me. help me to get through them throughout the day and i'm all yours. don't, and the only thing i'm banging at midnight is pots and pans while i put them away.
...and so, in conclusion, to sum up...when i saw robb cleaning the bathroom mirrors and replacing the vanity light bulb today when i got home from work, without us having discussed it at all...damn. hoo-eeh. he had me all twitterpated and hot all over. i have to tell you.
there's a whole funny book on this subject called "porn for women" (follow my link, do not just go looking that one up on your own). :)

originally, this post was going to be called "if i were a boy" and be all about how nice it must be to be a dude instead of a lady because there are so many fewer demands on men and they get to still enjoy things like hobbies and television even after babies are hatched while the women are slaving constantly for the good of the family.
it was all very whoa is me.
and i was all geared up to reference international women's day and how, even though we think we're progressive and modern in our current american gender relations, the reality is that women are still supposed to bake the bread, just now they have to win it, too. (that didn't really work- i mean we're now bread winners. you got that, right? maybe i should have used the term 'bring home the bacon' instead? women are supposed to bring it home AND make it into a tasty sammich?).
i was feeling all sorry for myself and hopeless to ever change this. having visions of Thanksgivings future of me working all night on call the night before and then coming home and cleaning the house, cooking the meal and cleaning up afterwards while my male spouse and my male child watch football with their feet up.
while i'm still concerned that this is a potential reality and represents a cycle we need to break, i feel a lot more peace about it today. robb and i talked at length about my concerns last night. he did a good job of just letting me vent and we came to some resolutions on better sharing the home responsibilities and dividing the labor.
i know that in most couples, each partner feels like he/she does the bulk of the work. i think it's just normal to feel put-upon once in a while. but i feel better about getting it off my chest and trying to work with him instead of secretly loathing him and planning his death (poison. buried in the backyard in hole already dug by our dog).
and i'm sure he feels better about it, too. :)
and as far as romance and marital harmony and good good lovin' goes, i've heard that 'foreplay starts first thing in the morning.' and i couldn't agree more. as in, don't just tend to your own needs all day while i'm busting around getting stuff done and then expect me to be in any shape to want to grant you any attention at bedtime. i am more relaxed and at ease and amorous if i don't have 30 to-do list items nagging at me. help me to get through them throughout the day and i'm all yours. don't, and the only thing i'm banging at midnight is pots and pans while i put them away.
...and so, in conclusion, to sum up...when i saw robb cleaning the bathroom mirrors and replacing the vanity light bulb today when i got home from work, without us having discussed it at all...damn. hoo-eeh. he had me all twitterpated and hot all over. i have to tell you.
there's a whole funny book on this subject called "porn for women" (follow my link, do not just go looking that one up on your own). :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012
Nine is Fine!
busy (=blurry in photos) short man turned 9 months today!
and he is on the go. crawling everywhere for the past week or so, he is now pulling himself up on us and furniture and trying to stand all the time.
his little personality is coming out, too. he has ideas of what he wants/doesn't want and he sho' nuff lets you know 'em. he also sticks his tongue out and claps his hands now, so his trained monkey tricks are improving, also.
all his busy-ness is spending calories. his weight is down from where it was. he's less cartman and more batman now.
-20lbs 9oz (50th%)
-28 1/2" tall (75th%)
-head 17 3/4" (70th%)
he's slowing down some. was 90th% for height and weight at 6 month visit. he is healthy and well, but i'm wondering if he could be eating more than we're giving him. we're going to start giving him more solid food and start finger foods and maybe back off a wee bit on the breast milk. the pediatrician and i talked vegetarian/dairy-free options for babies and she was very encouraging. we'll get protein in him via eggs and beans and grains and such and see how he does.
everyone marvels at how good natured he is. he just smiled and babbled through the whole exam despite having all parts poked and prodded. just a nice, happy guy.
i am beginning to realize that he's not a baby anymore. any discussion on weaning breastfeeding gives me anxiety. and we're already talking first birthday plans. now, don't get me wrong. i'm so ecstatic he's happy and healthy and beautiful and here with us and has survived us for going-on a full year- i want to rent a blimp and paint the sky with his praises...but it also means he's a real person and less a dependent bebe. changes my mommy status some. starting to deal with some of those emotions. more on that later.

at least he's not losing too much weight in those cheeks. those cheeks!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Something Sticky This Way Comes
on this, the eve of henry's ninth month birthday, i gotta tell you, we are living in a river of snot.
and both critters- human and canine alike, are currently getting eye drops. dog's is for a corneal abrasion she got in the woods, h monkey's is for pink eye. and he has an ear infection to boot. so he's also on his first antibiotic.
i'm paranoid i'm going to cross their eye drops and henry will get mia's and develop the ability to see in the dark, but also the impulse to dig in the backyard...and mia will get henry's and lose continence.
the dog is in worse shape than the child. she squints and looks generally miserable, despite pain meds tucked in cheese. henry is actually doing quite well. other than the cough and the snot (SO MUCH SNOT), you'd never really know anything was wrong with him- eating, sleeping, and smiling.
but once again he's out of daycare (only for 1 day). i both love and hate daycare right now. LOVE because they're so good to him and convenient and he seems to enjoy it so much. HATE because he is, literally, always sick. and i know exactly where he got it.
it was that disgusting hairy child, i'm just sure of it. henry and him always seem to share the same space and this hairy kid has all sorts of snotty boogary stuff running down his face all the time and is coughing (and NOT covering his mouth) constantly. so my kid's sick because the hairy kid's parents insist on sending him to daycare with the consumption. grrrrr.....
but anyway, it's sunny out and henry is sweet and marvelous and we are so blessed!
more tomorrow after his 9 month appointment.
and both critters- human and canine alike, are currently getting eye drops. dog's is for a corneal abrasion she got in the woods, h monkey's is for pink eye. and he has an ear infection to boot. so he's also on his first antibiotic.
i'm paranoid i'm going to cross their eye drops and henry will get mia's and develop the ability to see in the dark, but also the impulse to dig in the backyard...and mia will get henry's and lose continence.
the dog is in worse shape than the child. she squints and looks generally miserable, despite pain meds tucked in cheese. henry is actually doing quite well. other than the cough and the snot (SO MUCH SNOT), you'd never really know anything was wrong with him- eating, sleeping, and smiling.
but once again he's out of daycare (only for 1 day). i both love and hate daycare right now. LOVE because they're so good to him and convenient and he seems to enjoy it so much. HATE because he is, literally, always sick. and i know exactly where he got it.
it was that disgusting hairy child, i'm just sure of it. henry and him always seem to share the same space and this hairy kid has all sorts of snotty boogary stuff running down his face all the time and is coughing (and NOT covering his mouth) constantly. so my kid's sick because the hairy kid's parents insist on sending him to daycare with the consumption. grrrrr.....
but anyway, it's sunny out and henry is sweet and marvelous and we are so blessed!
more tomorrow after his 9 month appointment.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming...

i enjoy a good bit of chaos. things get too organized and sensible and i panic.
so i'm in a good place right now.
life is very hectic. between staying after a now very active h monkey and trying to keep on top of all the household stuff and trying to exercise and make good, healthy home-cooked meals and work full time (plus), and find a few minutes to spend just robb and me, and maybe blog now and then, perhaps read a book....it's a doozy.
work, especially, has been really intense and interesting lately. i'm learning new skills. which is so fun! but also a lot of new stress and hard work. and it's requiring long hours and lots of focus- two things that are rather difficult to come by being a mum of a tiny chublin.
so far, i still feel like i'm keeping my ahead above water. although the option of going part time does exist, i really think we're making the daycare/work/home thing happen so far. we'll re-evaluate down the line, i'm sure. but so far so good.
and since henry's almost 9 months old and we've decided to stop swearing around him when he hits 9 months, i have to go to work so i have a place to use my well-honed potty mouth. :)
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