1. Big let down. Lasted through some 6 wks of feeling like ass and then nothing to show for it.
2. Don't think I can ever watch "A Baby Story" on TLC again
3. Family and friends all bummed out.
4. Hate leaving voice mail at my OB/GYN's office since the message says "If in labor, call..."and I won't be.
5. Was really looking forward to a winter without seasonal depression since I had a March due date around the corner. Now, not so much. Have to find other excitement to keep my mind busy.
6. Doesn't change fact that friends are all pregnant or with first babies and I'm still not. Especially not.
7. I got my boobs back.
1. Vino!
2. Coffee!
3. No nausea or vomiting!
4. Robb bought me awesome new sapphire in white gold earring studs that are gorgeous!
5. All those things I was worried about once kids came, I can do now. Horse back riding, theater, travel, etc.
6. No one will be looking at my belly anymore, so I can put it back under wraps.
7. I got my boobs back.
8. As my mother-in-law pointed out, now I know that I can get pregnant, which is a relief.